Adding and editing categories

Add a new Category to a Section by following these steps in the Appearance editor:

  1. Click the Add button to go into Add mode.
  2. Select the Section you want to add the Category to.
  3. Deselect any selected Category.
  4. Click the Add button in the side menu.
  5. Exit Add mode by clicking the Add button again.

Reordering Categories

If you want to change the order of the Categories in a Section:

  1. Make sure you are not in Add mode.
  2. Select the Section of which you want to order the Categories.
  3. Deselect any selected Category.
  4. Click the Order button in the side menu.
  5. Order your Categories.

Editing Categories

To change an existing Category:

  1. Make sure you are not in Add mode.
  2. Select the Section the Category is in.
  3. Select the Category you want to change.
  4. Click the Edit icon next to the Category name.