BUG – Invisible fields

Dear support,

I think i have found a bug in my application. I have build multiple flow parts, which contain a lot of different pages.

On these pages i have put Text & Detail fields, but when i go to my Lab these fields are not visible. They become visible when i zoom in or out in my browser.

So when i open my page the fields aren’t visible untill i zoom in or out.

Hope there is a fix for this.


I’ll report this styling issue.

I do not know when this will be fixed.

We’ll keep you updated.

Dear Support,

Are there any updates on this issue?


I think there is. Which browser do you have? If it is chrome, please update to version 81.


Sorry for my late response. I am indeed working in Chrome browser. Currently i am in version 81. … and it indeed seems to be fixed.