Defect: ‘Invalid item(s) selected’ on a dropdown without validation rules

Dear Triggre-Team,

It looks like we’ve found a defect and we can’t figure out why.

The explanation of the design:

  • Tenant:
  • User flow: Orders
  • Page: Ritten plannen smalltable
    • Field: ‘Contactpersoon’
      • Selectable data item: ContactPerson
        • One
      • Filter:
        • ContactPerson / Relation = current page / Left / Table / Suborder / Relation
      • Required: yes
      • Prefill:
        • Current page –> Left –> Table –> Suborder –> RelationContactPerson
      • ValidationRule: no
    • Field ‘Rit’
      • Selectable data item: OrderLines
        • One
      • Filter:
        • OrderLines / Suborder / ID = Current page / Left / Table / Suborder / ID
      • Required: yes
      • Prefill:
        • Current page –> Left –> Table
      • ValidationRule: no

The explanation of the bug in lab:

  • Tenant:
  • Menu: Orders/Orders/Orders
  • Select the third row in the table (it not specific for just this order, but this is the testcase)
    • WHERE OrderType = ‘Inkoop naar locatie’ AND Status = ‘Concept’ AND Organisatie = ’10-VO’
  • Click on ‘Beheren’
  • Click on ‘Transport plannen’
  • Click on ‘Volgende’
  • Click on ‘Volgende’
  • Now you’re in the ‘Ritten plannen’ page.
  • Select a row in the table on the left side of the screen (the 33% part)
    • Fill the fields on the right side of the screen:
      • Contactpersoon
      • Ritdatum
      • Rit is already filled, because of the Prefill
      • Laaddatum
      • Tijd vanaf
      • Tijd tot
      • Losdatum
      • Tijd vanaf
      • Tijd tot
  • Click on ‘Rit plannen’
  • Scroll the right side of the page to the top and you’ll see that there’s a validation error on ‘Contactpersoon’ and ‘Rit’:

We’ve tried several configurations of the design of these fields, but it still gives this warning. We have seen this before somewhere in our application, but this is a good example.

I really hope there’s a workaround for this, or the solution is pretty easy.

Thanks in advance!


What I expect is happening is the following:

You can select a Contactpersoon and a Rit for an Order

You prefill a Contacpersoon and a Rit for an Order

When you try to ‘plan a rit’ the values you once stored/pre-filled don’t meet the requirements of your filter.

That’s why it says ‘Invalid item(s) selected’


Thanks for the quick reply!

I get your point, although I’m very sure that the selected/stored/prefilled values we’ve got, does meet the requirements of the filter.

Could you maybe have a look at the filter I’ve explained in my post and tell me what is wrong about the filter? Maybe then I understand why Triggre returns this warning.

Thanks in advance!


What I see in your description is that the filter is based on Suborder / Relation, while the prefill is based on Suborder / RelationContactPerson. These are two different properties in your data-item.

This way the prefill isn’t equal to the filter. This is where the issue lies.

Regarding Rit you filter on a specific ID, while prefilling based on the OrderLine item on the left. There could be a mismatch there.

I hope this helps you to resolve the issue.

Hello again,

We’ve been doing additional research on your issue. It does appears to be a defect. We’ve resolved it right away. So you’d be able to create your filter and pre-fill again on these form-fields.


Thank you so much for further investigation on this issue. This is what makes Triggre awesome, it’s the first pro-active software company I’ve ever had experience with. It’s a pleasure to work with you guys.