Functions 'Add n days/months/years to date' not available in calculation

When creating a calculation using ‘Add n months to date’ I noticed the function was unavailable in the Calculation. Since I have used it before in calculations, I wondered how that could be. After some experimenting I found out the these functions (and probably others) are only available AFTER another calculation has been created using any of the other functions that ARE available. In my case I created a dummy calculation to count the items in some irrelevant list and placed it before my actual calculation. Then the function Add N to date became available. After I finished my calculation, I removed the dummy and reconnected the flow. And now it works.
To me this seems like some bug, or there is some logic there that I can’t wrap my head around. HAs anyone encoutered something similar and can confirm or deny that this is by design?

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Hi Sylvester,
The application shouldn’t work like you describe. Can you give me a bit more details about this, like user flow, flow part, maybe even a screenshot or little movie and send it to me by e-mail so I can check it out.

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Hi Eddie, thanks for responding. I will send you a more elaborate explanation with visual material by mail.

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