Support for UUID

Dear all,

I want to create a unique document ID. While there are many ways to do this, one of the most efficient would be to use “UUID.” Is there a way to use “UUID” in Triggre already today, or could you imagine providing this function soon?

Many thanks and best regards.
Sven Brossi


Hi Sven,

Not yet directly with a function or something, but there is a way to do it with a free API:

Here’s how we use it (it is called GUID but it gets a UUID):

And here are each of the actions:

Generate UUID

  1. Call with a GET request
  2. No authentication
  3. As return data choose JSON and specify a list of Any text:

Look up or create item
Create or look up a data item you want to store the ID text in.

Store ID (repeat action)
Create a repeat action that stores each text in the list, in the item you want to store it in (there will only be a single item in the list)

This works well for us in many places. Good luck on getting nice UUIDs!


Hi Jesse,

Great, thanks a lot for your feedback. That helps me a lot.

Best wishes,

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