How can I add a logo (picture) in the Flow part Item Send e-mail (text editor) as a signature of the e-mail.
Hi Roland,
Is this picture going to be different in various emails or will it be the same picture for every email?
Same picture for every email, but signature is different.
Hi Roland,
Currently this is not officialy supported, but… I have a little trick for you.
Make sure the picture is publicly available online. Open the Email editor in Triggre in a tab. Open the picture in another tab. Click and hold on the picture and drag it to the email editor. The picture will be added.
You can add the other signature details by using the placeholder functionality in the email editor.
Nice trick! This is why @Eddie does our weekly Triggre Weekend Masterclass
What you can also do to make a picture publicly available is to upload it is a picture in the designer. Then you can create a test userflow with all kinds of pictures, which you can reuse in for instance an email.
Hi Jochem,
We tryed it the way Eddie explaind. But in some cases the picture doesn’t show like in gmail.
I wanted to try your way but I dont fully understand how I can upload a picture in the designer?
Hi Kenneth,
The reason why it’s not shown could be the security settings in Gmail. Some email providers are more strict than others.
A way to resolve this could be to make the image available on the same domain as where the mail is sent from. However, I can’t promiss this will solve the issue, since every email provider uses it’s own security setting and it can change overtime.
Hi Eddie,
Thanks for the clarification. We’ll try again once the domain settings are all set.