Building your first user flow

To build your first User flow, you will need to have created a Data item, including a few Properties. You will build a User flow that shows all data records in your application for this Data item and allows you to add new records and edit and delete existing records.

How to build a User flow

  1. Go to Design and then User flows:
    User flows

  2. Start by clicking the Add button and choosing add User flow with Wizard:
    Add button

  3. Choose the Overview, add, edit and delete Data item Template:
    User flow selection

  4. Select the Data item you want to create the overview for:
    Data item selection

  5. For example, we use a Data item called Project.

  6. Then select which Properties of the Data item should be visible on your Overview page:
    Data item properties

  7. The next steps are dependent on which Properties you have selected and relate to how the Properties should be shown. After these steps, select which functionality you want in your User flow besides the Overview page:
    Functionality selection

  8. The next step is to select a default sorting. You can leave this blank, or pick the Property to use for the default sorting of the Overview page:
    User flow sorting

  9. You will then be asked which sorting to use:
    User flow sorting

  10. The last step is to name your User flow. This is the name as it will appear in your application menu:
    User flow name

  11. Your User flow is now done and added to the List.

Once you have added your User flow, you can click it to open it. It will show you something similar to this:

The User flow reads like a flow chart, where the user can follow the lines in the direction of the arrows. Where there is a label, it is a Button on the Page, that the user can click.

Tip: You can edit a generated User flow like this one, to add or remove functionality. Simply click the item you want to make changes to.