When you have created your Data items and have added Properties to them, you can import data using the Excel import functionality.
1. Allow users to import Data item
First make sure that the Data item allows users to import data.
Go to Design and then Data.
Click on the Data item for which you want to enable user import.
Click on the Pencil in the upper righthand corner:
Check the box that allows users to import:
Click Edit to save or Cancel if there was nothing to change.
2. Create User flow
Create a User flow so users can import data.
Go to Design and then User flows.
Use the User flow wizard to create an Excel import User flow (also see Using the User flow wizard).
Choose Import and delete or Only import:
Choose whether you want to Allow duplicate items or not:
Add your User flow to the menu (also see Adding User flows to the menu).
Publish the design.
3. Set up Excel
When setting up the Excel sheet, make sure that the name of the sheet in the Excel file matches the name of the Data item in Triggre. To be clear: the name of the Excel file is not important, the name of the sheet is what matters.
Name the tabs in your Excel sheet after the Data items in your design:
Put the Property names in the first row of the sheet:
If you’re going to import using Do not allow duplicates, you must tell Triggre which Property identifies the item, so it knows which Property it has to check.
Add [ID] to that Property name in the sheet (Product code[ID]). You can only define one column as an identifier:
If you’re going to import using Allow duplicates, there should be no [ID]-property in the sheet.
You can import more than one Data item using only one Excel file. Every sheet in the file refers to a Data item:
Tip: You cannot combine the import of the type Allow duplicates and Do not allow duplicates in one Excel file.
4. Import data
With the Excel sheet properly set up, you can start the import.
Go to your application and select the Excel import User flow in the menu.
Select the Excel file from your computer or cloud storage.
Check the delete checkbox if you want to delete data. To add data leave the field unchecked.
Press Done.
Triggre will upload the file and check the content. If everything is ok, it will process the data. If it finds one or more errors, it will tell you about it and it will not process any data.
5. Additional info
When deleting data using the Excel import:
- If one or more rows in the sheet have no match in the application, Triggre gives you an Error message and it terminates the flow.
- If the sheet has No [ID]-property, Triggre gives you an Error message and it terminates the flow.
- If no errors are found, Triggre will delete the matching items.
- Triggre will not update or create items.
When adding data using the Excel import, without allowing duplicates:
- Triggre will update matching items.
- Triggre will create items that don’t exist in the application yet.
When adding data using the Excel import, allowing duplicates:
- Triggre will create all items that are in the sheet, even if they already exist in the application.
- Triggre will not update or delete.