I have a question concerning importing Excel data. First of all I want to explain the question by stating our use case. Our use case is as followed:
We want our customers to be able to import data from excel files to our database in Triggre. For example, customers should be able to import employee, absence and employment data from Excel to our database in Triggre.
First of all the customer can select in a table which data they want to import. This can be for example employee, absence or employment data. After they selected an item in the table for example employee. They can click to the next page where they can import the Excel document. As followed there should be a check if the data, they want to import is also the data they selected in the table before.
After they imported the data from Excel they should be send to a page where they can see the data they just imported from Excel. Here they can check the data they imported.
My questions are:
• How do I show a page that only shows the table with data the customer imported to. (Let’s say the customer imported data about an employee they should only see the employee table)
• How do I validate that the customer imported the data for the right database item. (Let’s say the employee imports employee data but selected to import absence data then the customer shouldn’t be able to import the data)
Hi Thomas,
Thank you for the clear description. What I’d advise is to create a seperate data-item where you import the data to. This will give you the possibility to check, enrich or remove data before actually processing it into your normal data and processes.
To know which items are part of the import you’re currently importing we use a specific concept of Triggre: everything executed in flow parts between two pages in a User flow is commited at once. This means that no other process can affect the data you’re processing. But… you cán yourself by using other flow parts somewhere between those pages
In this case it means you can create a batch and link it to the imported items. I’ll explain in a few steps how this works:
0. prepare your data-item by adding the property ‘batch’ which refers to the data-item batch with a sequence.
when data is imported you use the default import flow
the next flow part will create a new batch
3a. the flow part after that will search for all items without a batch linked to it
3b. in this flow part you save the batch you created in step 2
create a user flow and show a table with all items created with the batch of step 2
create logic to change or enrich the data for each record
at the end create a button to process all items and update the referenced items in your original data-items