How can I know which release is active in my environments?

Hi all,

Yesterday, a new release has been announced. A release I am eagerly awaiting. So I tried to verify whether the release is already active. Unfortunately, I did not find a way to know whether a release has been implemented or not.

Is there somewhere a status page for releases (e.g. with release plan data and an update on the status?) or would it eventually make sense to see for each application/environment, which release is currently active?

If it already exists where can I find it?

Many thanks for your support!

Best regards,

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Hi @sven.brossi,

For now we send you the release notes by email and at the bottom of those emails it says which applications were updated with that release.

We do this because we release in steps; starting with the beta instances (partners can get a beta instance per request), then we roll out to the Starter, Personal and Business subscriptions and finally to the Enterprise ones.

This means that you, as a partner, will likely get several emails with the same release notes, but a different list of applications that it applies to.

We will soon be publishing the released version number in My Triggre, where you manage your application settings.

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Hi again @sven.brossi,

We decided to expedite the release information, so you can now see it in My Triggre. Under My applications you will see the Version. On the same screen, there is a button Release notes which will take you to a screen with a video of the release notes, as well as a link to the release notes post on the Triggre Community:

Here’s an example of the version number on one of our test applications:


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Hi @Jesse,

Thank you, that is excellent!

Best wishes,

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