Today we released a small update to My Triggre, where you manage your application settings and other Triggre related tasks.
Version information
It is now possible to see the version information in My Applications. We have also added a button labeled Release notes, which will show you the latest release notes.
Versioning of the Triggre platform
We are firm believers of having a ‘single version’ of our platform at all times. No update problems, no problems with having an older version that is no longer compatible, etc. Triggre handles all of this for you.
That being said, we roll out new versions in a step-by-step way. First we release a beta version to partners and internal Triggre employees. The next step is then all Personal and Business subscriptions, and finally we roll out to all Enterprise subscriptions.
This means that some people, who have multiple, different subscriptions, may find themselves not yet having certain functionality available. To help with navigating these situations, we provide this version information.
We are still as dedicated as you’ve grown accustomed to, to handling all the nitty-gritty details around releasing new versions so you don’t have to.