Single Sign-On feature

Hi All!

On the ‘Pricing’ page of Triggre i see there is an additional option to enable Single Sign-On through Microsoft AD / ADFS.
One of our applications that we built for a customer is used by internal, as well as external users.
So we have users that are included in our local AD, but also external users which we do not have in our AD.

Therefore, we were wondering if it is possible to let local users log-in through SSO and let external users log-in with their own credentials which is not captured in our AD. For some applications i have seen this being set up, so please let me know if this is possible for Triggre Applications!

Best Regards,

Frenck Smit

Hello Frenck,

Our single sign on solutions works for the entire user-base of the application. That means that we can’t create a different way of logging in for internal and external users in a way you are suggesting.