Using the Triggre Designer

The Triggre Designer consists of the following main parts:


This is where you design your application. If you want to read more on the basics of designing your application, start by reading How to use Triggre.

Designing in Triggre is done by designing Data, Flow parts, Automation flows, User flows and the Appearance of your application. The following articles will give you a good start on these:
Creating Data items
Building your first custom Flow part
Building an Automation flow
Building your first User flow
Using the Appearance editor


When you are done with your design, you need to publish it. This is where Triggre does it’s magic and actually writes code for you, compiles that code and installs it in the Triggre Cloud. Read everything you need to know about Publishing your design.


Triggre automatically creates autosaved Versions of your design so you never lose work. However, there’s a lot more you can do with Versions in Triggre, such as saving a Version, loading a saved Version, downloading a Version and uploading a Version.


Direct access to My Triggre to edit your application settings and preferences.


Easily log out of the Triggre Designer.