It seems peculiar that the excel import doesn’t support date in iso format which is almost universally used here in Sweden.
I received this error when importing a excel file:
Value ‘2024-02-14’ cannot be recognized as a date value. Cell:A2. Supported formats: “dd-MM-yyyy”, “dd/MM/yyyy”, “dd.MM.yyyy”.
Any thoughts on this?
Hello rcoswemail,
Could it be the date is stored as a text? I just tested it when I use a custom format and it seems to work OK.
You can configure this as:
- Select the cell with the date (example 01-01-2024)
- Press CTRL+1 on your keyboard (or right click and select “Cell properties”)
- Select Custom in the list of Categories
- Enter yyyy-MM-dd in the Type field
- Click OK
The date will be displayed as 2024-01-01 and will still be importable for Triggre.
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