Release notes 2020-05-27

Technical improvements
We have made multiple technical improvements that result in faster applications and more stability. One of these improvements was updating our JavaScript framework in the Designer.

Very important note: because of this update, we can no longer support Internet Explorer 11 in the Designer, since IE11 does not support the latest technologies and won’t be updated by Microsoft anymore.

By continuing Internet Explorer 11 support, we would be limited in what we’ll be able to offer you in terms of user experience now and in the future. Therefore we now only support modern browsers like Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Safari.

Decision changes
Decisions in the Designer were made a bit more relaxed. This means that you can create decision rules that are perhaps not the most sensible, but they also won’t break anything in your application. For example, the ‘any other value’ branch can now go to the same action as any other branch.

Detail field label
Detail fields will now automatically fill in the name of the property as the field label. We’ve noticed that most of the time you will use the same name as the property anyway, so this is much easier!


Number notation in PDF’s
The custom number notations and true/false labels have been added to the PDF generation module. This means that the number notations and labels that you use in your Designer, will also automatically be used when you generate a PDF.

Email address remembered when using wrong password
When the user of your application fills in a wrong password in the login screen, Triggre now remembers the email address so your user doesn’t need to type it again.
