Hi, I’m trying to figure out a way to sort my tables without adding the attribute to the table, because I don’t want the user to see an attribute where the articles are sorted by.
In a ideal scenario I would like to add a number to each article and sort them from low to high so I have complete control of de article order.
Hi Daan,
Triggre works based on the “What you see is what you get”-principle. That means that you can only sort on properties which are shown in the table itself. If the property isn’t available in the table, you’re not able to sort on it.
Thanks for asking this question. We recently discussed exactly this with a few other customers too.
As a result of that discussion we decided to put some more priority on this feature. While I cannot say when we can release it, it is now higher on our list, and will be implemented.
We have a comparable customer-wish at the moment, is this something still on the roadmap and can you give us indication if and when this will be released?
Yes this is still on the roadmap. The main issue was that it is harder to implement than it seems at first thought.
That being said, we are working on a feature that will allow you to do the same thing: a sorting step for lookup actions. No definitive date for release yet because this needs very extensive testing (this is one of the most used actions so we want to be very safe with making updates to it).
For now there is no workaround other than adding a number or other field that will allow you to set the sorting.