As a user, I want to see three different types of Firm Overviews: Clients, Prospects and Suppliers.
I also want to search through all fields in these Firms.
How can I create a filtered overview as a user flow (and therefore display it in the menu) without having to add the user flow three more times?
I could make use of filtering in the search box, but I would like to make it more obvious, so that a user can click on “Prospect Firms” and see only the Firms of that Type:
Thanks for the question. What I would do in this situation is to create a last saved search, which will be updated per user. So, A user has a picklist with all the firmtypes: client, prospect or supplier. This list corresponds with the list of types in firm.
When this list is empty you will set it first to Supplier (or another type)
Then you build a button with an overview of the different types of firms.
Then select a type and save it as last saved search
Then filter on last saved search and the type of firm
Outcome you can choose which types are represented on the overview
And you only have to build that userflow once.
Note that the list last saved search and firm type has to be exactly the same.
You can still store this option in the user profile and then make a user flow that starts with a decision based on the user’s stored option.
You then simply make a path for each value of the pick list, to a different page. This way, you can keep the built-in search options, as well as use a single user flow.
To switch between views, simply make a button on each page to switch to a different view, where you first store the correct value in the user profile, then simply go back to that decision the user flow starts with.